Say Goodbye to Trans Fats
One of the hardest things for many seniors to do is to clean out their cupboards of all the foods that are high in trans fats. They often don’t know where to start, but it’s easier than you think. It simply involves reading the product labels and throwing out foods that contain partially hydrogenated oil. Examples of popular items with trans fats include margarine, pie crusts, and cookies.
Now, we aren’t saying you need to cut out all your favourite foods, but just find healthier alternatives to supplement your cravings instead. Try using olive oil instead of margarine, nuts instead of flour, and cinnamon on oatmeal instead of cookies – all are scientifically proven to reduce LDL cholesterol.
30 Minutes of Exercise
You can quickly raise your HDL cholesterol (the good levels) by doing light exercise for only thirty minutes a day. You don’t have to take up a gym membership; you can attend a free-swimming session at your local pool, seek out an online exercise or yoga class, or go for a brisk walk and get some fresh air every day. As long as you raise your heart level, you will be working at lowering your bad cholesterol levels.
Eat More Fiber
When people think fiber, they usually think of tasteless items, but there are plenty of tasty options. Oatmeal, apples, and black beans, for example, are all excellent sources of fibre and can be used in many recipes. The more fiber you eat, the healthier your body’s digestion system will be and you will be able to see a noticeable reduction in your LDL cholesterol levels.
Less Red Meat
Not everyone is determined to go vegan or vegetarian, but cutting out saturated fats associated with red meat is a must. Give meatless Monday a chance, and then increase your intake of more lean meats like fish on the other days. Fish is filled with healthy omega-3 fats that can help lower your cholesterol levels. Just make sure you are eating fish that are low in mercury content like salmon, sardines, and tuna.
Quit Smoking
Just by quitting smoking you can greatly improve your cholesterol levels. So, talk to your doctor about the available programs for butting out.
With a little willpower and some simple changes to your diet and habits, you can lower your bad cholesterol levels and improve your health. For more information and suggestions, you can talk to us at MEDability.